RVESDRF Vocational Education Skill Foundation established under article. [Pursuant to sub – section 7 and sub section (1) of section 8 of the companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014] Constitution of India and legally Incorporated under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. Under registered MSME (Ministry of Micro, small and Medium Enterprise) Government of India, NITI AYOG (National Institution for Transforming India) Government of India, e – ANUDAN (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment) Government of India, GeM Government Marketplace Also ISO Certified Organization ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of Enrolment (Central Vigilance Commission) Government of India Certificate of Enrolment (National Human Rights Commission, India, Registered under NCS portal (National Career Service) as Skill Provide (Ministry of Labour and Employment) Government of India A Skill Provider refer to any Organization/Institution that imparts employment related skills to the candidates and provides information on various skill training and Placement Programs and offering certified skill programs of Diploma/Certificate under skill Qualification training programme in the form of value added course/self – employment course for the people living in both rural and urban areas by stenting and maintaining standards in skill based vocational education in the country as made amendment in RVESDRF by law for offering skill courses in 32Sectors, Course are designed and accredited by Veritas Skills and Research Private, Limited Accreditation MSDE (Ministry of skill Development & Entrepreneurship) Government of India.


Self-Employment Course provides students with an introductory knowledge and understanding of self- employment and requirement for success. The course is designed for student wishing to consider self- employment on further study in the area of self – employment and provides progression routes. Providing access in 20+ Sectors is to make Quality Vocational education to all those who seek it irrespective of age, region or formal qualifications.
RVESDRF Vocational Education Foundation run to vocational skill course under Veritas Skills and Research Private, Limited Accreditation MSDE (Ministry of skill Development & Entrepreneurship) Government of India in various sectors viz.
1) Agriculture
2) Allied Health Care
3) Apiculture
4) Automotive Repair
5) Banking and Accounting
6) Beauty Culture and hair Dressing
7) Bamboo Fabrication
8) Home Décor – Art Bonsai
9) Brassware
10) Business and Commerce
11) Carpet
12) Construction Equipment
13) Home Décor – Art Ceramic craft
14) Chemical
15) Clock and Watch Repair
16) Textile Doubling
17) Electronics
18) Electrical
19) Fabrication
20) Fashion Design
21) Fitness
22) Film production
23) Fire and safety Engineering
24) Hospitality
25) Information and communication Technology
26) Media
27) Medical and Nursing
28) Nutrition and Health Education
29) Refrigeration and air Condition
30) Healthcare


Effective Course design begins with understanding our student are, deciding what you want them to learn; skill oriented; determining how you will measure student learning ; and planning activates, assignment and materials that support student learning. The Course/curriculum is previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well as outside media experts and edited or modified, wherever necessary, with the supervision of member veritas Skills and Research Private, Limited, before they are finally for awarded to the Vocational training veritas Skills and Research Private, Limited.

Board Of Examination

RVESDRF has the sole right to fix the date and venue of examinations and intimate to Vocational Training centres through the Controller of Examination, RVESDRF well in advance. The hall Tickets, Question papers, Answers sheet, ID card Student registration form, Internal Assessment Report and practical Report and other required stationary item for the conduct of examination shall be sent by RVESDRF.RVESDRF shall arrange to Conduct the examination as per the regulation and get the performance of the student evaluated and award certified skill Diploma or Certificate to the Successful Candidate.

Issue Of Certificates

Certified skill certificate for Diploma course/ awards for the programme completion will be issued by RVESDRF Vocational Education Skill Foundation, Vadodara Gujarat by various Skills and Research Private, Limited. Certification & Results verify on RVESDRF Website.

Training & Placement Oriented

Training & Placement Department of RVEDRF has been in the forefront of activities bringing corporate close to the campus and encouraging them to establish facilities to the needs of the candidates. It plays a pivotal role in counselling and guiding the candidates for their successful career. Which is a crucial interface between the stages of completion of academic program of the candidates and their entry into the job market. Its aim is to provide career guidance and placement opportunities to all candidate studying in RVESDRF vocational education skill foundation. Training and Placement Department arranges and coordinates various programs that aim at moulding the candidates so as to meet the industry expectation in their career building and in turn bring laurels to the parent Institution. The department sincerely believes in imparting comprehensive training to the candidates to face the challenges of the dynamic and demanding job market and build a successful career for themselves. Special SKILL ENHANCEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS have been customized for candidates so to meet the industry requirement.


RVESDRF to Support the bill pass by central government in favour of Allied and Healthcare professionals including Life sciences Professionals ,Trauma and Burn care Professionals Nutrition Sciences professionals, Ophthalmic professionals, Occupational Therapist professionals, occupational Therapy professionals, Medical Radiology, Primary Community and other miscellaneous care professionals, Radiology imaging and Therapeutic technology professionals, Medical Laboratory Science professionals, Physician assistant, Cardio Vascular, Neuro Science and Pulmonary Technology professionals, Renal Technology, Surgical Anaesthesia Related Technology professionals.
A credit framework for skill Based Vocational Course (NSQF) by The Government of India Ministry Human Resource Development (MHRD) The NSQF has important components such as multiple entry and exit horizontal and vertical mobility between Vocational General Technical and job specific education, Outcomes based Learning Industry Engagement National occupational Standards competency—based curriculum Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (credit Banking) Recognition of Prior Learning Quality assurance and sharing resources Assessment ant Certification norms will be developed by Regulatory bodies Like UGC/AICTE sector Skill Councils or relevant industry which may be approved by NSQF wherever required.