RVESDRF Vocational Education Foundation Was established in 2022 May 30th by an article. [Pursuant to sub – section 7 and sub section (1) of section 8 of the companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014] Constitution of India and legally Incorporated under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India Skills, knowledge and innovation are impotent driving force of economic growth and social development in our country and country with higher levels of skill, adjust more effectively to challenges and opportunities in global economy. India has had relatively strong economic performance in the past decade. There have some drawback to uphold the current situation of skill development and job creation. To overcome this pressure vocational education is the alternative option for the Social and personal development. Vocational education can increase the socio-economic development of the developing country like India

Democratizing Vocational education by taking it to the doorsteps of the learners. Providing access to quality education to all those who seek it irrespective of age, region or formal qualification. Offering need – based academic programmes by giving professional and vocational orientation to the courses. Promoting and developing vocational education under skill Enhancement Training programme (SETP) in India Setting and maintaining standards in skill based vocational education in the country.

SUPPORT RVESDRF to Support the bill pass by central government in favour of Allied and Healthcare professionals including Life sciences Professionals ,Trauma and Burn care Professionals Nutrition Sciences professionals, Ophthalmic professionals, Occupational Therapist professionals, occupational Therapy professionals, Medical Radiology, Primary Community and other miscellaneous care professionals, Radiology imaging and Therapeutic technology professionals, Medical Laboratory Science professionals, Physician assistant, Cardio Vascular, Neuro Science and Pulmonary Technology professionals, Renal Technology, Surgical Anaesthesia Related Technology professionals.

A credit framework for skill Based Vocational Course (NSQF) by The Government of India Ministry Human Resource Development (MHRD) The NSQF has important components such as multiple entry and exit horizontal and vertical mobility between Vocational General Technical and job specific education, Outcomes based Learning Industry Engagement National occupational Standards competency—based curriculum Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (credit Banking) Recognition of Prior Learning Quality assurance and sharing resources Assessment ant Certification norms will be developed by Regulatory bodies Like UGC/AICTE sector Skill Councils or relevant industry which may be approved by NSQF wherever required.